Pilot safety and SIV training course – David Eyraud


Asymmetric Stall (for uncravating)


Slow down symmetrically by at least 30 cm (after the contact point) and wait to stabilize the pendulum movements.

For an asymmetric stall to the right:

Weight shift on the left.

Look at your right wingtip.

Right arm: raise the elbow above the hand (to have strength).

Bring the right hand down sharply! Quickly and completely: arm extended under the buttocks while watching the wing.

During this time: maintain counter weight shift and brake on the left to avoid turning.

At the moment of the asymmetric stall:

  • the wing deforms (wingtip warp backwards)
  • the right brake softens
  • you feel a sideslip on the yaw axis

And also:

  • the wing deflates
  • you feel a slight imbalance in the harness


Immediately release both brakes quickly and completely: “hands up!”

Let the wing begin its dive (aerodynamic dive)…

Make a “short timed brake input” type catch: 50 cm quickly and not maintained.


The goal is not to deviate from your heading (less than 45° change of heading).
The more it turns, the stronger the dive will be, the more you’ll need to catch strongly.
Be careful not to accidentally unhook your reserve handle!